A radiograph (x-ray) is a type of photograph that can look inside the body and reveal information that may not be discernable from the outside. Radiography is a valuable diagnostic testing tool and is painless, safe, and non-invasive. Radiographs can be used to look at bones and the size, shape and position of organs to detect any possible medical problems. The size of organs is important because some medical conditions such as kidney, heart, or liver disease can alter the size of these organs. Radiographs can also be used to diagnose bladder stones, chronic arthritis, and fractured or broken bones. Digital radiographs are also a very important tool that we use with our dental cleanings too. It allows us to look at the other 50% of the tooth that is under the gumline. Radiographs can help us pick up on subtle changes due to bone loss or periodontal disease.
Our digital ragiograph service is staffed by caring, skilled professionals who will provide the best care with compassion and expertise for your pet.